And so we reach the end of the road for another 30 Days of Stuff, and once again we had a bunch of ideas that didn't make the cut for content this time around, for a multitude of reasons that totally wasn't laziness. Here's another 10 things we could have written, but didn't.
Facebook is a huge part of everyone's life in the modern world. Possibly because it's the most efficient way to judge a huge number of people without having to leave your bed. Oddly enough that is how Jary spends his Saturdays. There seems to have been a public backlash against Facebook in recent times though. No matter who you speak to they all seem to say, I hate Facebook. Here's why.
It's a difficult job moving a video game into book form. Especially a non-linear game that tells two stories at once. Follows countless characters across a made up land. Has more dick jokes than in Gasher's pants. Foul Fantasy really is/was a difficult slog to get into whatever form we put it out in. What it is though, is worth our and your time. So read on and find out what you can expect in the Foul Fantasy book.
I don't know how many of you readers remember the 70s. I do, vividly. It was a glorious time full of men in camel hair coats and women who swooned when their boyfriend punched someone. It seems that the ability to engage in a successful bout of fisticuffs is no longer the main requirement when it comes to being an alpha male. Welcome to the modern world, where alpha males don't fight and drink beers. Welcome to my guide to being an alpha male in the modern world.
The 80s and 90s were a fascinating time in the evolution of video games. New, emerging technology meant that computers were no longer just for word processing and landing space probes on the moon. Graphical representations of characters lead to a new art form, a new era of creativity. Unfortunately it seems with some games, all of the creativity was used up on creating the game, and none was used on naming the game. This is the ten worst titles for video games from the 80s and 90s.
A lot of things have happened across the last two years. Some bad, some good. What a lot of you need to understand is that 2016 wasn't the horror show the media made it out to be. Sure a seemingly endless supply of "legends" died, but there is a few reasons for that. This article isn't the place for the reasons, but the fact is that the golden age of celebrities that was ushered in by films becoming just a big thing just meant that a hell of a lot of rampant drug abusers all ran into early deaths at around about the same time. Nothing more, nothing less. That being said, there were a few things that happened that have lead to the decreased commercial worth of some celebrities and as such, their forthcoming merchandise has been cancelled. Our mole at the BBC shared a few with us, and we are sharing them with you kind reader.
I have heard a lot of people complaing about 2016. How it was such a bad year because 30 or so "inspirational" celebrities died. What none of your realise is that in real terms, 2016 wasn't that bad. I mean take 1916 for example. If you were 8 there was a good chance your Dad and all your brothers went off to war and were killed. Oh and your house was blown up too leaving your Mother with no legs and your sister having to suck off G.I's so that you could have a jacket potato with butter for your tea. Now tell me again how 2016 was so awful? Not only that, but 2017 is not going to be the year that changes your life either. Let me tell you why...
I do a lot of experimenting when it comes to making FoulENT a global powerhouse. Mainly in the realms of Facebook marketing. We're all cheap bastards here, so we don't like paying for advertising, or traffic. We are more organic than a crusty hippy's fridge. How do you get your huge traffic figures then Frank? I hear you ask. Well, it's a combination of dumb luck and exploiting our knowledge of how men react to things. Just call me Dong Draper, because here is my fool proof marketing guide!
As is tradition for when we do 30 Days Of Stuff, we plan out a huge number of articles to satisfy the thirst that you people have, but never quite get around to writing all of them. Either other things come up in their place, or sometimes the idea is just so good that it needs to remain here forever, untarnished by one of us actually writing it. So here for your delectation is 'Another Another 10 Articles We Didn't Write'
At Foul Entertainment we pride ourselves on being able to make outrageous claims but never actually deliver. If social media is any barometer, then everybody we know is either a CEO, entrepreneur, artist, activist, intellectual heavyweight, political expert, comedian, photographer, superstar DJ, genius, or MLM preaching business guru.
We understand that image is a lot more important actually being. After all; if everyone thinks you're the CEO of a company, then you basically are, even though your company is just a Facebook page with a picture of you sitting at a desk as the profile shot. Image trumps being, and we're here to help you give that false impression you've always wanted. |
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August 2024