A lot of things have happened across the last two years. Some bad, some good. What a lot of you need to understand is that 2016 wasn't the horror show the media made it out to be. Sure a seemingly endless supply of "legends" died, but there is a few reasons for that. This article isn't the place for the reasons, but the fact is that the golden age of celebrities that was ushered in by films becoming just a big thing just meant that a hell of a lot of rampant drug abusers all ran into early deaths at around about the same time. Nothing more, nothing less. That being said, there were a few things that happened that have lead to the decreased commercial worth of some celebrities and as such, their forthcoming merchandise has been cancelled. Our mole at the BBC shared a few with us, and we are sharing them with you kind reader.
In this podcast, Mike and Darren look ahead to the next 12 months of movies, TV, games and more that's waiting for us in 2017!
2017 is the Rocky VI of years. 2016 was such a hotbed of hate, suffering and poor decisions, that it can only be compared to Rocky V. Therefore, 2017 is presented with two facts that dictate how it should go about it’s business:
Thankfully, our old trusting friend the mass media (!) have dug deep to at least give us films, TV shows and video games that can potentially turn things around. Good old faceless multi-media conglomerates, always so caring! Alright, let’s get this out there first; I am not the all-encompassing multimedia whore that Darren is. I couldn’t give a toss about sporting events, my TV watching is minimal and my music views vary greatly to his. However, there is a surprising amount of stuff outside of movies that shaped my 2016, so here I am talking about three categories I don’t often get to cover on this site. Let’s arbitrarily list them off, shall we?
As much as 2016 has been a year of violent extremes in terms of opinions, I find myself looking back on the TV, music, sport and video games of the past 12 months with a resounding shrug for the most part. What was good was REALLY good, but everything else being so lacklustre had me scrambling to big lists of “best [*****] of 2016” just to remember everything I had seen.
I wouldn’t bother otherwise, but damn it man, people need opinions! 2016 certainly was a year, eh? Between socio-politcal upheaval, unending war, tragic deaths of icons and bloody Harambe memes, it’s easy to forget that a lot of great (And some shitty) movies came out this year. And because I am a little late to the party, it’s time to rip off Darren’s format so I can add to the discussion and give some insight into my best and worst movies from 2016. Plagiarism a go-go!
You don’t need me to tell you that 2016 has gone about as well as Mr T gatecrashing a Klan rally. At several points in the last 12 months, you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d slipped into an alternative universe where the global pastimes were exclusively banging your head into a wall and then getting angry at said wall for being foreign (“coming over here, giving our buildings structural integrity!”). But, 2016 at the cinema was decidedly better than the world outside it. Though I imagine this year of socio-economic turmoil will be reflected in the films of a few years time (you know the wave of dystopian Trump futures is hurtling towards us as quickly as Hollywood can make it), we can be thankful that those making movies for release this year were slightly more chipper in their approach. That said, let’s flush the rest of this years slurry out first before we move on to the awards ceremony.
In this review, Mike and Darren take a nap in the Animus and synchronise with Assassins Creed!
I have heard a lot of people complaing about 2016. How it was such a bad year because 30 or so "inspirational" celebrities died. What none of your realise is that in real terms, 2016 wasn't that bad. I mean take 1916 for example. If you were 8 there was a good chance your Dad and all your brothers went off to war and were killed. Oh and your house was blown up too leaving your Mother with no legs and your sister having to suck off G.I's so that you could have a jacket potato with butter for your tea. Now tell me again how 2016 was so awful? Not only that, but 2017 is not going to be the year that changes your life either. Let me tell you why...
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