It's been a busy few weeks for me ladies and gents. Contrary to popular belief I don't live in an abandoned warehouse with some homeless people. I actually own a house and have a life that doesn't involve being a cunt. Well, it does but that is beside the point.
The reason I get so much sex is because I play by the rules. Granted they are rules which I just make up to get birds back to my house, but this doesn’t change the fact that I have bruised more ovaries than an NHS smear test. There are definite Do’s and Do Not’s when it comes to shagging, and there are some fools out there who think breaking these rules makes you a top shelf shagger like me. This is not the case. Yes, I will probably lie about fixing your computer if it gives me a crack at your minge and yes, I will definitely cheat on you, but there are crimes far worse than fingering your better looking sister, or your uglier sister.
In a new PopScorn, Mike and Darren revisit the prehistoric park that thrilled us as children, and review Jurassic World! Remember to follow us on SoundCloud and subscribe on iTunes for more PopScorn and other Foul Entertainment podcasts!
Oh hey, Pop Culture Club is a thing we still do! So how about that Spider-Man, eh? It only took Marvel and Sony over four months, but we finally have our new Spider-Man, our new director and confirmation of his inaugural appearance in the MCU.
The final part of our Foul E3 coverage is our round-up of this years E3 convention. Mike and Darren review and run down the events of E3 2015! For more, visit out SoundCloud page!
Of the traditional press conferences, Square Enix is the final one of this year. But does being last make them the least relevant? Here's the lowdown on Sqenix's efforts at E3.
Nintendo are, of course, skipping E3 in favour of another Direct presentation. But can Ninty claim the best of show titles whilst sitting at home? Here's the best and worst that Nintendo showed us this year.
Sony have absolutely slayed E3 for two years running with the PS4. Can they make it three? Sony take to the stage with their PlayStation line up, and these were the best and worst bits.
They may be the middle of the show, but are they the middle of the road? Ubisoft have a lot to prove this year at E3. Will they do it?
EA had a particularly poor showing last year, so can they make up for it and deliver the goods at this years E3?
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January 2025