It's the end again! We've reached the final day of this writing-heavy 30 Days of Stuff, and the staff have now been allowed to put plasters over their writing blisters. But not before we tell you all about the stuff we either couldn't be arsed to write or abandoned along the way. Or made up because the title sounded funny. Whatever, you don't know and now you never will, because you'll never see these articles get written. Here are another 10 articles that we didn't write for 30 Days of Stuff:
This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in May for new stuff just like this!
It's the end again! We've reached the final day of this writing-heavy 30 Days of Stuff, and the staff have now been allowed to put plasters over their writing blisters. But not before we tell you all about the stuff we either couldn't be arsed to write or abandoned along the way. Or made up because the title sounded funny. Whatever, you don't know and now you never will, because you'll never see these articles get written. Here are another 10 articles that we didn't write for 30 Days of Stuff:
This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in May for new stuff just like this!
Time for me to expose myself. Not like that, you dirty bastard. Since this site started last year, I've been known as 'The Cunt'. There are a lot of reasons for that, the main one being I am a massive cunt. That is going to change though. Not for censorship reasons. We don't give a fuck about that. Sometimes we go back into articles and add in more swearing and pictures of cocks. No, it's because Facebook won't let me be called The Cunt. So it's time to finally reveal my true self; So, Frank King it is. To help you be introduced to this "new" "character", here is my official biography, written by indie film directing twat John Borowski.
In this episode of Gotta Cast 'Em All, Mike and Darren look back at the trials and tribulations of their Pokemon X Scramble run and a winner is crowned!
In this review, Mike and Darren watch everything they've built fall with their take on X-Men: Apocalypse!
This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in May for new stuff just like this!
I remember being a teenager. It was a strange period of time. I thought I knew everything, but really I hardly knew a thing. That's the thing about being a teenager, you're automatically a dickhead. So parents, leave their computer open on this page and allow me to do your job for you. This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in May for new stuff just like this! As of late, it's been impossible to separate the poor feedback of the Ghostbusters reboot trailers and it's countless accusations of sexism. The first official Ghostbusters reboot trailer is now the most disliked movie trailer in YouTube's history, with a similar like-to-dislike ratio emerging for the second. Director Paul Feig has fanned the flame of controversy by calling out the fans as a bunch of sexist jerks who hate everything, whilst a number of so-called news sites have reported this apparent misogyny as fact. And finally, just this week, Angry Video Game Nerd himself, James Rolfe, came under serious fire for refusing to watch the new movie. It seems, then, that an abhorrent subculture of misogyny is rampant in the geek world. But is this actually the case? Or is there far more at play here than is being reported? I shouldn't have to tell you, but apparently I do. It's time to cut through the shit surrounding this controversial movie. Let's bust it wide open, 'cause bustin' makes me feel good.
This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in May for new stuff just like this! I don't understand this 30 Days of Stuff malarky. Mainly because I don't really understand the passage of time. From what I can gather from what Gasher and Cunt were blabbering on about at my cousin's Bar Mitzvah, 30 days is around about 79 women, or 237 shags. Or to put it into terms you fat virgins will understand, 0 shags. Anyway, I went outside with Joe for a smoke and we got talking about all the women I've shagged and all the women he has failed to shag. It made me realise, I've pretty much shagged an atlas.
This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in May for new stuff just like this! I generally tend to stay away from writing about comic related things. That's Gasher's domain ( Mike to you ) so I stay away. For starters Gasher does it better than I do, secondly I'm married to a real woman and she might divorce me if she found out I like comics, Gash doesn't have that problem because he openly states he loves comics. I couldn't stay quiet on this one though, I love Preacher. It's amazing, everything about it is perfect. Not only that, I once used a line from it to pull a bird. I have a bond with it. I am really not looking forward to the upcoming TV version though, keep reading to see why.
This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in May for new stuff just like this!
I have found myself drifting for inspiration as of late. The comic book movie scene will dry up this week with the release of X-Men Apocalypse, so I can only really write about comics once more until November. In terms of video games, I won't be picking another big one up until this summers No Man's Sky. And I'm not really plumbing the depths of social interaction after deleting Tinder. This combined with working evenings and nights has resulted in me craving some form of engagement or entertainment, but with little avail. So, like a socially concious goldfish, I have been checking my Facebook feed every other minute in the hope that meaningful content will magically appear. It never did. Here are the 5 types of posts that I see the most, though. And they're all infuriating. This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in May for new stuff just like this! If you’re anything like me, the most socially awkward situation you could find yourself in is when your balls are too big for standard issue medical apparatus, so instead of having some minor dentistry work the hot woman nurse just gives you a handy to make up for her incompetence. The problem is, as I’ve said many times, everyone else is not me. If the world were full of me clones, no one would get anything done because everyone would be drinking heavily and getting handjobs from medical personnel. Laws would be passed to ensure lesbians spend most of their time scissoring and erections would be mandatory at all times. In my world, there is no such thing as being ‘too high’, and instead of learning how to read, children are taught how to operate power tools from the age of 4. As if to spite me, people who get embarrassed under the most common circumstances continue to exist, ruining any plans mankind has for an ideal universe. Thanks a lot you hippies. Now we’ll never get to drink and scissor all day. Regardless, I’m going to lay out some common scenarios which these huge pussies claim makes them feel awkward, and I’m going to explain how you how you can address these overwhelming surges of pussidom.
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August 2024