Listen up you mother fuckers. The original and best series on Foul Ent is back to kick you in your teeth and have sex with your mothers. I don’t discriminate by looks, I will even sleep with the really good looking ones. When they realise that I’m the guy who wrote the first ever FoulENT article they will have my balls in their face before they realise that just one of my testes could choke a gorilla. Too late bitch. You started, so finish. Women are idiots.
This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in May for new stuff just like this! Listen up you mother fuckers. The original and best series on Foul Ent is back to kick you in your teeth and have sex with your mothers. I don’t discriminate by looks, I will even sleep with the really good looking ones. When they realise that I’m the guy who wrote the first ever FoulENT article they will have my balls in their face before they realise that just one of my testes could choke a gorilla. Too late bitch. You started, so finish. Women are idiots. But wait, there’s one woman who isn’t. Maybe because she’s not a woman. She’s a man and her name is me, and this man-woman is delving into a world no woman is safe from. On this Plenty of Catfish we’re going after the big bad. The .jpegs that men love to send and women love to pretend not to love to receive. The subject of great debate amongst easy women and uptight prudes the world over. What do they really think? Do women like them? Do women pretend not to like them so they don’t come across as slags? Does anyone care?
Since my delve into the terrible world of online dating, I’ve seen more pictures of dicks than any male of my sexual orientation should ever have to. I’ve personally never understood why this phenomenon has caught on, because it takes the idea of mating and reduces it to its lowest form, like a lion who sits in a mound of shit with its ass in the air. It cuts out all of the foreplay involved in getting to know someone and immediately wants to get down to business. It reduces us to our most primal form. It’s a common fact that humans are one of the very few species on earth who have sex purely for enjoyment, which alone makes us both unique and stupid.
Now, before you read ahead, please be aware that this article is nasty. It’s a little different to my last two because I’m using the people who’ve messaged me as examples rather than messing with them directly. There’s talk of anal sex, childhood traumas, putting foreign objects in your ass, and Elvis. If this isn’t your thing, there’s some other things on this site that will take your fancy, but for now I’m dealing with important issues. So, read on if you're down for the ride into the peculiar world of perversion.
A friend of mine once told me; "it’s not cheating if you don’t cum". I’ll let you be the judge as to whether this statement is the poetic ideology of a sexual genius, or the abhorrent justifications of a cheating asshole. We can all agree that cheating is universally regarded as a bad thing, although some statistics might have you believe the otherwise. Not to mention that defining cheating is probably more hassle than actually doing it. However, my philanderous friend raises a good question in where does the line between monogamy and cheating end? What about the annual kiss I have to give my Mom at Christmas? What about the weekly kiss I give your mom on her FUPA? What I'm asking is; is there a clear, distinct moment when it becomes clear, like in Bridget Jones? Or is it interpretive and blurry, like in Terminator 2?
To answer this question with some degree of authority, I consulted with some of my new friends over at Plenty of Fish. Hit the 'Read more' button to find out what they have to say about cheating.
I believe it was Abraham Lincoln who said...
Let that sink in for a moment. Maybe, for a brief second, you did just entertain the idea that maybe Abraham Lincoln made such a prophetic statement over a hundred years before the internet was invented, or maybe you’re one of the clever types who saw the point I was trying to make almost immediately. While it is true that during Lincoln’s existence he didn't even have access to dial up speeds, it is also true that the human brain is inclined to believe whatever crock of shit is fed to them, regardless of context.
It is through this psychological phenomenon that such wondrous myths and bullshit have manifested in the collective subconscious. It is through this that almost four million people a day still believe what they read in the Daily Mail, why experts still wrongly tell us that we swallow insects in our sleep, and why my Mom told me yesterday that full fat milk will give me cancer.
This begs the question; why do we believe everything we read? And how does it relate to catfishing? Read on to find out.
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January 2025