One of the boldest decisions we made humour wise was to poke fun at a group of insane murderers. Regardless of what you think about anything, these guys are stone cold killers, so much so that one of their top of the class killers is the most famous John right now. More famous than John Legend and his surname is Legend! There is a joke about John du Pont in there as well somewhere. Either way, we decided to portray them as perpetrators of a ridiculous supermarket war. Once we had that idea, it was only one step to ripping on other ridiculous hate groups and the Crew Cut Clan were born. A group of bald men who hate cross gender trouser wearing and shorts who have to operate underground because of the civil tights movement.
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I thought it was ready. Joe thought it was ready. We sent it to play testers.
It wasn't ready. Thankfully there was nothing major to be fixed. There was a tileset issue, whereby it was entirely possible to walk over everything inside the CCC hut. Fortunately that just took ten minutes to fix. There were stylistic issues that me and Joe disagreed on. It wasn't that we disagreed on how it should work, we disagreed on if it should be implemented into the demo. On the day before it had to go out. We ended up leaving it undecided, with a view to decide on a final style for the final demo version.
Regarding the stylistic issues, we don’t usually have many disagreements regarding the design of towns or interiors. It should be mentioned that my taste and style is impeccable (just got myself some pretty rad leopard print curtains) whereas Cunt lives in a disused warehouse with three other men.
This diary should be posted about four weeks after it was written, which means that the first version of the demo is now out. We've taken a very bold decision in releasing our first play version to the public. Normally, it should go through vigorous in-house testing on a first play, but that isn't how we roll. In all honesty, it's not because we want to give something back to our fans or any bullshit like that. We won't be charging for the finished product, it will be free on this site as the demo is, so if that isn't giving back then I don't know what is.
This seems to sum it up nicely.
No, it's because we want feedback; we want to know what is working, what is shit and where we have dropped massive Steve-sized bollocks (our mate Steve has massive bollocks). If we trusted our friends and family to do it, we would get sugar coated versions of what they think. Whereas you, our audience, you have no such qualms about hurting our feelings. So if you have played the demo, then drop us an email with what you think of it. Either use the site email address, or (and I would recommend this one as this is the one me and Joe check more often) email Jary directly. Now all that shit is out of the way, here is the actual entry.
I’m not sure how other game developers work, but we spent just as many months playing and replaying our game from scratch in order to make sure everything up to the current point made sense. Most of the time, it didn’t. Whether it was finding remnants of a story-arc which we later took out or being able to buy your Uncle’s pills despite having no money, we usually found something which needed hot-fixing. I’ll let The Cunt explain the technicalities of such things:
Here's a question for you...
Who the FUCK names a variable 'pants'!?
It's time! You can download the pre-alpha demo of Foul Fantasy right here! Click the link or the picture below to download it right now!
Any and all feedback is appreciated as we take the first step into getting this game into your hands. Please, tweet us, Facebook us or email us your feedback. We really appreciate it.
Enjoy your first trip to Thepen Islands and your first taste of Foul Fantasy!
I find it a lot harder to write this than I do making the game. If you want someone to make ridiculous jokes about cocks and Islam I am your Imam. If you want someone to sensibly document the progress of a project I am probably not your man. Ah well, here goes.
The main problem with writing the Dev Diary is that it's been started mid way through the project. It's like when your missus puts Hollyoaks on, you don't really give a shit, but you keep asking who Freddie is and why he has such shit tattoos.
I thought I would tackle this issue by starting from the start, without giving too much away about the story and whatnot. Read on to find out more!
Here at Foul Entertainment we are pleased to announce the first video game in our RPG series! Prepare to step into the world of...
To tie in with the upcoming demo release of our recently announced RPG game, we've decided to document some of the hardships we've endured during the game design process. As our game isn't your everyday sandbox RPG, we’ll not only be covering the coding aspects which have gone into Foul Fantasy, but also some of the inspirations and character biographies which will hopefully bring the Thepen Islands to life.
As our gaming department is, at the core, a two man team, this series of blogs will be written by both Joe and me, The Cunt. Joe has opted to have his parts highlighted in a beautiful shade of pink to differentiate between the two of us in later blogs. This way, it will be easier for us to argue about who wrote the best bits.
So, what goes into making your first video game? Read on to find out!
BlogsYou can find all of our articles right here. Use the menus below to sort by date, author or series. Articles
January 2025