So here it is: My Scandi Top 3.
I was thinking back about my time living in Scandinavia and thought to myself - "What do I think about my life there?". Over these past few days, I finally got myself sorted in Berlin. Found a beautiful long term apartment with some Australian friends, managed to secure some interesting job opportunities and have hop, skipped and jumped my way over and under the German Kafka-esque registration and tax system (It wasn't easy). So now that I'm home and dry in Deutschland, touch wood, I can close my first couple of chapters in Sweden with a slightly auspicious 'to be continued'.
So here it is: My Scandi Top 3.
Home is where heart is. Moving can be a tricky thing, a nerve racking and strange experience. It took me quite a while to really appreciate the joys of living in another country. That may sound weird but seriously, we underestimate the level of comfort we get ourselves into living our 20+ lives within the same surroundings. Don't mistake me, there is nothing wrong with the comforts of home. Do I miss my life back in Walsall? Absolutely yes, those home grown familiarities are few and far between, I should have thought twice before I decided to get on a plane without a return ticket.
Standing on the ice, or should I say wobbling because I'm a hopeless skier, we prepared for our tenth depth test. A depth test is quite simply a daily check to record how deep the ice is on a lake, this particular lake being Lake Siljan in the region of Darlana in the middle of Sweden. If the ice is at its thinnest 10cm then apparently that's more than enough for a car to drive across, saving commuters a heck of a lot of time. Yes you heard it, ice roads are a thing. Back to the story, we stood there with our manual ice drill, we found our spot roughly fifteen meters from the last hole and we started drilling. What happened next was not what we were expecting...
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August 2024