Donald Trump is probably the best known thalidomide victim in the world. Not only has he set a world record for watching every episode of The West Wing in a week, for preparation purposes, but he has also actually managed to speak for three hours straight without even saying anything. You can't argue with these facts. To capitalise on his new found fame, I have decided to compile his five most awesome tweets of all time.
I know what you're thinking. "But Jary, what do you know about jobs?" Well I'll tell you for starters I've had more blow jobs than you can count. But second, I've also had more than 37 jobs. If there is one thing I have done almost as much as shagging, then it's going for job interviews. Because I'm the sharing type (I usually share my spunk with birds, but this will have to do) I'm going to let you in on my secret as to how I managed to blag more than 37 jobs. Read on sconners if you want to be as much of a success as me.
As you may know, one of our numbers and our editor Mike is to be featured on Channel 4's 'The Job Interview', a documentary series chronicling what goes on behind the doors of the interview room. Here are all the details you need to watch a member of FoulENT on the telly!
In this episode of Gotta Cast 'Em All, Mike and Darren react to the success of Pokemon Go and skim over the new Sun and Moon pokemon!
Two weeks after it's initial release and Pokemon Go still has the world gripped (Well, except for Japan, poor buggers). The bare-bones nature of the game and the lack of a solid tutorial has led millions of players wondering how certain mechanics of the game work and what Easter eggs lie in wait. And where there is mystery there is baseless speculation and bullshit. Time to bust the biggest myths surrounding Pokemon Go!
I don't know how many of you know, but I am a pretty massive fan of wrestling. Sure I rip on it a lot, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. I call your Mom fat every day but I still go round and fuck her once a week don't I? With all that being said, sometimes wrestling is awful. Like when these guys got chosen to be given more time on screen than other more deserving people, these are the five worst wrestlers who got pushed.
I spend a lot of time on Facebook. Mainly trolling morons and sharing our awesome articles to as many pages as I can. That is a lot by the way! A lot. What I have noticed from a couple of Facebook groups I am in is that there tends to be five main types of religious debater. Not just of the theistic leaning either, this is all denominations of faith or lack thereof. This is my expose on the seedy underworld of, atheist and religion debating.
It's arrived Pokefans! Nintendo and Niantic's mobile version of the Pokemon series has hit app stores across the world. Here's everything you need to know before you start out your quest to be the very best, like no-one ever was!
I know what you're thinking "But Frank, back when you were The Cunt you hated MLM companies" and you'd be right. I do hate them, with a burning hot passion. But you know what they say: if you can't beat them, join them. Well I'm not joining them per se. I am setting up my own MLM company, and this is your chance to join.
Anyone who lives in the UK and watched Channel 4 might have seen a certain bespectacled member of the FoulENT crew in the trailers for a new series. Well, the trailers are out, so we can finally talk about it! A member of the FoulENT crew will be featured on TV!
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January 2025