Last time we wrote a joint "attack" article, it was personal. We used research and copious amounts of swearing in order to expose social marketers for the soulless twats they are. You might not have liked the article. You can say whatever the fuck you want about it, that's your prerogative, but at least we wrote it. We've never stolen someone else's work. But there are sites that do and make money from doing it.
Welcome to the world of UniLad: The biggest content thieves on Facebook and the people who profit from doing nothing. I was thinking back about my time living in Scandinavia and thought to myself - "What do I think about my life there?". Over these past few days, I finally got myself sorted in Berlin. Found a beautiful long term apartment with some Australian friends, managed to secure some interesting job opportunities and have hop, skipped and jumped my way over and under the German Kafka-esque registration and tax system (It wasn't easy). So now that I'm home and dry in Deutschland, touch wood, I can close my first couple of chapters in Sweden with a slightly auspicious 'to be continued'.
So here it is: My Scandi Top 3. Other than a pig's head obviously! Here at FoulENT piggate is a subject we feel that we can relate to. Mainly because we have a friend who once fucked a cat. This is different though, because our friend fucked the cat while it was alive, and he is less of a twat than David Cameron.
It doesn't need much of an intro. The X-Factor is appalling. It's shit, it's probably the worst example of television ever. Except for Johnny Vaughn's 'Orrible.
I am still single. But not to fret, my time with Tinder didn't totally turn me away from online dating. I decided to dive right back into it, but this time into a different pool, so to speak. After a very short search on the Google Play store for apps related to Tinder, I came across today's test subject. Here are my five days with Coffee Meets Bagel.
Idiots on my Facebook feed have recently been sharing a stupid article entitled ‘19 Real Life Examples of An Extroverted Introvert So You Don’t Get Confused’. The title of this article alone is enough to make me want to drown your pets and kick your fence down because, as difficult as you might find it to believe, I don’t spend a large percentage of my day worrying if I’ve incorrectly labeled you as an extrovert when you’re clearly an introverted extrovert or vice versa. Infact, do you know how exactly how much of a percentage of my day I think about such things? Zero percent. And so does everyone else. After the recent announcement of the Facebook dislike button, the FoulENT crew tried to track down Mark Zuckerberg for an interview about his decision to include the long sought after button. We couldn't. However, we did bump into Mark Wahlberg on the way back to the hotel, and it turns out he thinks Facebook is wank as well. Here are 5 features we all thought Facebook should have already done.
After this years Apple Event, which saw the announcement of new iterations of the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV, we thought we'd show you the products that may have slipped under the radar from this years presentation. Here are five Apple products that you will soon want in your life.
My Twitter was inundated with people going batshit over the not-breakup of the spindly, hairless boyband One Direction. I was busy slamming some bird and generally having a life when this all went down, but after a certain Style of man got in touch with me asking for advice, I decided to take on your burning questions over the events of five lads lives that you have played no part in, but apparently feel emotionally attached to for some stupid reason. You fucking losers.
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August 2024