As is tradition for when we do 30 Days Of Stuff, we plan out a huge number of articles to satisfy the thirst that you people have, but never quite get around to writing all of them. Either other things come up in their place, or sometimes the idea is just so good that it needs to remain here forever, untarnished by one of us actually writing it. So here for your delectation is 'Another Another 10 Articles We Didn't Write'
There’s no saying I hate more than; like finding a needle in a haystack. If anything, a needle would stick out in a haystack. I propose we change it to like finding a needle in a pile of needles.
Trying to find quality content on the internet in 2016 is like trying to find a needle in a pile of needles. Sure, you can just jump right in and hope for the best but chances are you’ll end up wading through pricks. Nowhere is this shitstorm of misinformation that more prevalent than news websites. But, the fact that we get our news online now – and not in print – offers opportunities we didn’t have years ago. Opportunities we often overlook due us being entitled simpletons. The common advantages of online news are well documented; cost efficient, time efficient, not having to navigate the outside world efficient, etc, but in recent years we’ve seen even further advancements. You know me, I love consuming me some media. I write a column dedicated to just watching superhero movies and TV, with over-analysis aplenty. Our podcast PopScorn is all about watching and talking about movies. If there's one thing you can say about me with confidence is that I watch a lot of stuff. However, it's impossible to watch everything that's out there. It's also impossible to know when you're about to waste your precious time on hours of steaming televisual shit.
That's where I've decided to do away with journalistic integrity and do what I do best; judge by the cover. And Netflix, being the veritable hotbed of entertainment that it is, is bound to be pad it's gleaming diamonds with huge nuggets of shit. Here are the five worst things I've seen on there... that I haven't actually seen. At Foul Entertainment we pride ourselves on being able to make outrageous claims but never actually deliver. If social media is any barometer, then everybody we know is either a CEO, entrepreneur, artist, activist, intellectual heavyweight, political expert, comedian, photographer, superstar DJ, genius, or MLM preaching business guru.
We understand that image is a lot more important actually being. After all; if everyone thinks you're the CEO of a company, then you basically are, even though your company is just a Facebook page with a picture of you sitting at a desk as the profile shot. Image trumps being, and we're here to help you give that false impression you've always wanted. As a kid in the 80s and 90s, videogames were mostly about bright colours, jaunty music, and flying into a rage because your mum had turned the Sega off so she could watch Brookside.
But the videogame manuals of my childhood also came with back stories, which were ignored as I thumbed through the pages looking for ways to not immediately die. These stories ranged from “You are a man, kill the bad men” to the fucking Iliad, and gave us an extra bit of insight into why we were bothering to not just let our character get punched repeatedly. Believe it or not, social media can be used for more than just looking at pictures of birds you went to school with. In fact, most people miss out on the advantages social media offers because they’re too busy looking at pictures of Lydia Taylor before she got fat. But don’t just take my word for it. I’m going to hand you across to someone who knows his way around social media like I know my way around your mom’s innards.
Presenting… This guest article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
I've spent a lot of time on this world. Between real life and the internet I estimate it is somewhere around 450 years I have been around. 450 years split into the last 46 years, it's ten lifetimes for the children of Africa, which brings me on to the first item on my list. This guest article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
Pssstt....Yeah, I'm talking to you. While that dozy cunt Frank is away, playing with himself in the toilet, I've got something to tell you. I'm dalecooper57, sole blogger and writer at Diary of an Internet Nobody. You know, the silly twat who insists on doing all his writing, photography, animation, music and editing on his bloody smartphone, because he's too skint to get a laptop. Except I'm not, am I?
In this review, Mike and Darren go in search of magical creatures across the USA with a review of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them!
Right now, there is a school somewhere in the world swarming with young, adorable, punchable-faced children. Their carefree lives consist of playing games and having fun before adulthood sets in and they become supermarket workers or alcoholics. So, it seems only fair to let these children enjoy their innocent lives before harsh reality shatters their dreams of being anything other than mediocre.
But, there’s a problem walking amongst these beautiful, yet ultimately-doomed children. Schools are, at their core, contained populations. Populations of which up to 4% could be unvaccinated against highly infectious diseases. |
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August 2024