Welcome to the world of UniLad: The biggest content thieves on Facebook and the people who profit from doing nothing.
UniLad are a massive site, based on stealing other people's hard work. They basically read the internet all day, and repackage what they read into abridged versions, or just straight up save and repost it to their Facebook page. To show the extent to which UniLad are leeches when it comes to content, take a look at the random day's worth of content from the site. First up, this delightful image:
(By the way, to prove a point against UniLad, we will correctly credit all original Redditors images used and we won't be crediting a single one of UniLads images. because fuck them, they set this example, they can fucking live with it.)
Find that atrocious? It gets worse. That is NOT the only image they stole in that 24 hour period. Check this out:
Well, think about it this way. Each 'like' on Facebook pushes that content to your wall. From your wall, that content goes into the news feed of all or most of your friends. According to the Pew Research Centre, the average Facebook user has roughly around 200 friends, with the average being higher for male users at 338. However, across both genders, content is most often liked for shared due to being funny.
Let's do some basic maths here. Since UniLad's primary audience is males, hence the 'lad' part (A word that still makes us retch), let's take the median between the average Facebook friend count and the male average friend count. That gives us 269 Facebook friends. Now let's take that 150,387 likes and times it by the 269 potential friends. That gives us a potential audience of 40,454,103 people. That is stupid huge. Given that according to Statista Facebook currently average 1.49 Billion active users per month (That's 1,400,000,000), one of these shitty UniLad reposts has the ability to reach a quarter of Facebook's monthly average user-base at it's all time peak. Obviously, that's all just conjecture, but it absolutely dwarfs the poultry 3 million the original content creator will get on Reddit and Imgur.
And it doesn't stop there. Look at all these other reposts pulled from the same day on Reddit and UniLad:
As a budding comedy website, we can tell you that we would love to do this full time, but to do that, we would need to quit our jobs and somehow make money from the website. The best way to do that? Adverts. You'll probably see them spring up on the site soon enough, the money of which we make from it will be used to purchase equipment and spaces to make better content.
The dark side to this? UniLad will have been making some serious fucking bank by stealing this content. On their Facebook and on their website (Which we will not link to, because as we said, fuck them), they run ads on every pieces of content including pictures and video. Each of these raking in thousands upon millions of views. This video by Smarter Every Day explains it better than we could (They even use the coined phrase 'freebooting'. We would rather call it what it is: fucking stealing). Even with this kind of exposure mind, the amount of views these pages get could afford to take people through university, buy houses or quit jobs. It is literally a life changing amount of money that goes into making thieves like UniLad and companies like Facebook just gobble up and do not give to the original creators.
Whether it's Mike, Cunt, Joe, Adburahman or Jary who wrote the piece, we would take it as a personal insult to have our content taken. Not only because they were taking the food from out of our mouths, but because to be honest, our content isn't aimed at their audience. Honestly, we don't expect people in vests with quiffs who think Dapper laughs is a “fukin ledge” to get what we do here. That's another part of the problem with sites like these. They have built up this particular brand of lad culture to the point where it has become a parody of itself. Silly, quick laugh and vulgar content, whilst sometimes being funny, is literally the best way to make bank on Facebook, on Vine or your own website. Because the content is so easy to engage and forget, it is easier for the less intelligent lad sorts to send it around all of their friends, have a laugh and then do the whole thing again 2 minutes later. And with every click, UniLad count the fucking coin.
So, in light of this, we though we would take the opportunity to give the UniLad guys a reward for all their hard work. We have decided to redesign their logo, free of charge:

The Editor in Chief of Foul Entertainment, Mike edits most of what you see on the site. He runs the production of our podcasts, and currently pens Pop Culture Club and The Death of Video Games.

Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for Foul Entertainment games. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.