Zero percent. And so does everyone else.
This guy already sounds like a complete asshole. Hey, dipshit, if it’s so hard to put down your book, don’t do it. No one’s forcing you to do anything. But guess what our asshole narrator then did. He called his friend and went out. And danced! Can you believe it, guys? A guy who reads books but also dances!? Holy shit. Call the police.
He then says something about introverts and extroverts not being a fully formed state of mind, and people can, infact, be a mixture of the two.
I am going to put this in terms that even this dumbass will understand. You are not an extroverted introvert. Nor are you an introverted extrovert. You are not a combination of either of these things. You are a regular person and are nothing special.
Anyway, I thought this would be a perfect time to confess my professionally self-diagnosed status. I am an Extroverted Introverted Pervert. This means that sometimes I want to go out and meet easy women at the Dog & Feathers, but I am just as happy staying at your Mom’s house and giving her a bash. I also don’t mind sitting alone and wanking myself dry over pictures of your sister. Here are some examples of situations I regularly find myself in, and I will explain them in graphic detail so you don’t get confused.
We’re often quiet, but this doesn’t mean I don’t want to talk
But just because we like being around people, doesn’t mean we want to talk
We like hanging out one on one better than in groups
We suck at responding to texts because sometimes we don’t want to talk – specifically to you
We’re open to meeting your other friends. Just let us know ahead of time that we’ll be meeting new people so we can mentally prepare ourselves to socialize
Despite needing our alone time, sometimes we do get lonely
We’ll happily chat up your parents/friends/girlfriend/boyfriend/boss/etc., but once it’s over, we require silence
Because we can be outgoing and calculated at the same time, sometimes we end up being leaders. But that does not mean we want praise, nor do we want to talk about how great we are
We bounce between wanting to be noticed for our hard work to panicking over the thought of somebody else paying more than 30 seconds of attention to us
If we like you, we really like you. We’re extremely picky about who we spend our time and energy on. If we’ve hung out multiple times, take it as a compliment

Joe is one of the many writers we have at Foul Entertainment, known for Plenty Of Catfish. He is a main stay on the voice cast for Disagreevances. He's also responsible for the artistic design in our games.