It's a well known fact that my name is Frank King. I've been telling birds on Facebook this for months now. What isn't as well known is that the bible as you know it is a fraudulent document. The original bible was based on an ancient relative of mine, also named Frank King. Due to you all being athetard idiots, I'm going to enlighten you with my five favourite verses from the original bible.
This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
It's a well known fact that my name is Frank King. I've been telling birds on Facebook this for months now. What isn't as well known is that the bible as you know it is a fraudulent document. The original bible was based on an ancient relative of mine, also named Frank King. Due to you all being athetard idiots, I'm going to enlighten you with my five favourite verses from the original bible.
VR, or virtual reality, has exploded onto the tech scene in a resurgence not unlike that of Jesus Christ; we were all pretty sure it was dead when we thought it was bad, but it turns out that it is actually quite good, so now it's one of the biggest things in the world today. Tortured analogies aside, there is amazing potential for new experiences utilising VR, but like most things in life, we're bound to take it a step to far and utterly ruin it. Here's five VR experiences that will completely turn you off the idea. We made them all up, but don't blame us if you see these in the near future.
This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
There are few things more terrifying than sitting on an aeroplane waiting for it to take off. Not because you’ll soon be five miles in the air, but because you might be sat next to an asshole. A few weeks ago I found myself in this situation. The seat next to me was left empty until the very last second, and for a moment I’d assumed I’d hit the jackpot and would not have to sit next to anybody for the whole journey. WRONG. Sure enough, some douchebag comes meandering along at the very last second with more bags than body weight and lumps next to me with all the grace of an exploding nail bomb. Within a few seconds she had begun talking to me and I immediately knew that this would be the case for the next two hours. When I looked up to her, my worst fears were confirmed...
This podcast is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
On Day Eight of Harry Potter Week, Darren and Mike return to Hogwarts to have their brains blown onto the back wall by the awesomeness that is Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, Part Two!
This podcast is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
On Day Seven of Harry Potter Week, Darren and Mike camp out in the woods and have a massive argument over Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, Part One!
This podcast is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
On Day Six of Harry Potter Week, Darren and Mike head off on a horcrux hunt, as they prepare for the final battle, with a review of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince!
This podcast is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
On Day Five of Harry Potter Week, Darren and Mike get bored. That's it. Nothing exciting, they just get bored. And angry. Oh, and they review Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix.
This podcast is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
On Day Four of Harry Potter Week, Darren and Mike face supernatural trials and risk their lives to be crowned Triwizard Champions, as well as review Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire!
This podcast is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
On Day Three of Harry Potter Week, Darren and Mike stage a jailbreak and embrace the power of their Patronuses, with a review of Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban!
This podcast is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! Click here to read all 30 Days entries and be sure to come back every day in November for new stuff just like this!
On Day Two of Harry Potter Week, Darren and Mike brush up on their parseltounge and prepare to face the Basilisk, with their review of Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets! |
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August 2024