Seth Rogen
Preacher is brutal and honest. Preacher has shades of realism to it, that hits home and makes you smile because you see it in your own life. Preacher has a tribute to Bill Hicks part way through. Seth Rogen has one mode of writing, stoner humour. I'm not one of those that thinks comic shows and movies should stick to the source material perfectly. I understand to get things onto screen things need to be changed. Both for TV audiences and because things that work on page don't always work on screen. I get that, I do however think that the tone of the show should stick to what the comics was. Seth Rogen for me has not shown enough variation is his work to be able to pull off something so different. I don't give a fuck how much of a fan of the comics he is, that doesn't mean he has the talent to pull it off.
The casting of Tulip
Joe Gilgun
The Trailer
Post Pilot Opinion

Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for Foul Entertainment games. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.