It wasn't ready.
Thankfully there was nothing major to be fixed. There was a tileset issue, whereby it was entirely possible to walk over everything inside the CCC hut. Fortunately that just took ten minutes to fix. There were stylistic issues that me and Joe disagreed on. It wasn't that we disagreed on how it should work, we disagreed on if it should be implemented into the demo. On the day before it had to go out. We ended up leaving it undecided, with a view to decide on a final style for the final demo version.
Hard Work
Stupid Names
A woman I used to sit with at work once told me "You have grey in your beard!". I told her it was because I was turning into Gandalf, to which she asked "The Indian man with no shoes?". I said "No, that’s Ghandi you stupid bitch, now get out of my scout hut!". Anyway, Mahatma Gandalf was born that day, and he remains one of my favourite bastardised parodies.
ISIS – not much to say about this one. We just wanted to make fun of the progressive metal band from Los Angeles.
Uh, what’s that?... I assumed the band dressed like ninjas? What are you talking about, deluded religious dickheads?
Until next time folks!

Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for the Foul Entertainment Gaming department. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.

Joe is one of the many writers we have at Foul Entertainment and the author and deviser of Plenty Of Catfish. He is a main player on Disagreevances. He's also responsible for the bulk of the artistic design in our upcoming gaming department.