Who the FUCK names a variable 'pants'!?
1. Naming variables sensibly
2. Recording what the variables did
3. Using variables sparingly
This lead to a very haphazard system for the early quests and storyline triggers. I found this out when I was trying to make minor changes. It was like a house of cards, built at the top of a tree, which is growing out of the side of a cliff. One small movement and
..everything goes completely tits up.
Why don't you work, you bastard?!
It isn't a stupid question when for some reason a character refuses to move when I have put the commands in for him to fucking move. Case in point, last week I needed a character called Uncle Tone (who without giving too much away, is a very important character and the source of I think the biggest laugh in the first ten minutes of the game too ) to move out of the bloody way. He wouldn't. No matter how much I changed things, he would not move.
I think the main point I am getting to there is that, sometimes making games is fucking stupid. But when it isn't fucking stupid, it is fucking brilliant.
Introducing the Heroes
An unlikely hero, if only he can stop complaining for a single second to actually become one. With his parents taken from him at a young age, Nimbus lives a life of solitude in his old family home. His place of residence is a small town named Softwood, also home to some of his close friends and his weird Uncle. Nimbus spends his days mostly reading, writing in his diary which nobody wants to read and trying to ignore his best friend’s phone calls.
No one in the Thepen Islands is really sure of Jary’s surname. Some theorize he traded his surname with the Devil in order to become really good at shagging. Some say the game designers just couldn’t think of one. The truth is; Jary is based on a real person we know, and revealing his surname would cement who that person was (we’ve just inverted the first letters of his name), and he’d know that we’ve turned him into a bastardised virtual version of himself. Regardless, Jary is Nimbus’ best friend, and is largely motivated by shagging. He genuinely wants the best for Nimbus, which requires trying to get him out of the slumber he’s been stuck in since the loss of his parents.
The eccentric Uncle of Nimbus, Uncle Tone’s origins are largely unknown. Similarly to Jary, he has a penchant for shagging, although their preferences differ slightly. It is widely known that Uncle Tone has a connection to the more undesirable types in the world of Foul Fantasy, and can be useful for advice in where to venture or who to track down next. If you have a problem, Uncle Tone will help. If you get him his pills.
Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for the Foul Entertainment Gaming department. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.
Joe is one of the many writers we have at Foul Entertainment and the author and deviser of Plenty Of Catfish. He is a main player on Disagreevances. He's also responsible for the bulk of the artistic design in our upcoming gaming department.