Labour, while still despicable, are on face value at least, a little more likeable than UKIP and the Tories. Before I get to the meat and drink of the issue, there is one thing that really pisses me off. Ed Milliband's fucking voice. Like Jeremy Beadle's fucking face before it, it just has something about it that really pisses people off. It's that constant blocked sinus sound. I can't trust a man who earns that much money and can't get hold of some Nasonex.
“We will undo the damage the Tories have done”
This is the problem I have with politics, it's all fucking point scoring. They talk about undoing the bedroom tax, but they call it 'David Cameron's Bedroom Tax', like his band are a support act for Slash. Which is ridiculous because if he was in a band it would be called 'Hypothermia'. Because hypothermia kills old people.
An End to the Gagging Law
Repeal David Cameron's Health and Social Care Act
Labour Will Scrap The Bedroom Tax
I haven't gone massively in depth on any of the issues, but there is a reason for that. It's because I don't trust what they say in the first place. Promises are rarely kept when it comes to politics and I don't believe that the Labour party are any different. How a man who has never actually done a days proper work in his life can be in charge of the working party makes less sense than sticking my cock and balls into a drawer and slamming it. I find it very hard to pick a side when it comes to voting this election, it's like choosing between three kicks in the head or four.
I don't want any of them to be in power, and neither should you.

Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for Foul Entertainment games. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.