Not voting in the general election makes you grow a pair of tits
‘This year I’m voting for tits. By not voting!’
Liquor before beer, fired from Top Gear
‘Woah, thanks buddy! Almost got fired from Top Gear for a second.’
Women who sleep naked have lizards crawl up their vaginas
‘A lizard crawled into her vagina.’
‘Too bad.’
The size of your bollocks can predict your age
‘How did you know?’
‘I heard you tell that guy earlier.’
Wearing a dressing gown outdoors will give your entire family SARS
‘Her family better look out. They are due some next level SARS.’
Horses are bad luck and are consciously trying to injure their riders
‘Christopher Reeve.’
‘Damn son.’
Playing the bass will shorten your dick by up to 6 inches
‘What happened?’
‘Let’s just say he’s now got a 1 inch vagina.’
Joe is one of the many writers we have at Foul Entertainment, known for Plenty Of Catfish. He is a main stay on the voice cast for Disagreevances. He's also responsible for the artistic design in our games.