1. Moan About Racism At The Oscars.
BUT that's not even what I'm getting at! No, my point why all of this makes people cunts? Instead of moaning about how a bunch of very well off black people are being slighted by not being recognised by their peers, why not be pissed off that the price of the ceremony, the money spent on advertisers, the awards themselves and everything else that comes with it could have made a bit of a dent in helping some black people who really need it. Like I dunno, Africa for example.
2. Sell Pyramid Scheme Junk To Your Friends.
That woman that I wrote about before, banging on about Forever Living? The bubble burst, she lost about £600 in the end. Good.
Dragging your friends into this kind of shit makes you almost as deplorable as the bloke who stole 40 grand from his friends and family. Legally, that is all I am allowed to mention. Due to the court order against me discussing what I was charged with.
3. Selling Homeopathic 'Medicine'.
4. Refusing Vaccinations For Your Children.
I need to have a licence to watch television but these cunts can spurt forth crotch fruit at the drop of a hat? I don't advocate any kind of violence against people, but these cunts should be held down and beaten severely. Not only that, but I was wrong before, they are four pronged cunts, because after their child died (arguably (definitely) through their actions), they have set up multiple crowd funding accounts and made a really disgusting Facebook post begging for money to allow them to continue selling placebos to idiots. Here's a tip; if you really want to die, then definitely partake in their 'medicine'. Or a cheaper option would be to eat dog shit you find in the street. Just don't put your kids lives in danger. It's not their fault that they were sired by utter fucking morons of the highest order.
5. Destroy And Demonise Junior Doctors.
Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for Foul Entertainment games. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.