What followed was possibly the strangest thing I have seen in my life. This was, for me, the beginning of the end.
- Wit: Wit is a lost art. Wit is replying “I remember” when someone says "I'm a country member". Wit is cutting someone down with intelligence. Wit is not shouting “Ya dicked” to a cacophonous roar from all around. Wit is not saying “Pie” at random intervals. Wit rarely exists any more, and when it does it isn't appreciated. Random replies have killed that.
- Surprise: Something coming at you unexpectedly, taking you by complete surprise. Not only is it pant-shittingly scary, it is also as funny as fuck. This is an area where random does sometimes come to the fore. Unfortunately, because they use it so often, the surprise dies.
- Shock: I know what you're thinking; Shock and surprise are the same thing. You fucking open headed mongoloid. No, shock is saying or doing something shocking. Like if your blind next door neighbour pisses you off, so you murder his dog and ask if he sees things your way now. That is shock.
You only have to see Twitter to see a world of cunts trying their hardest to troll people, because ever since random humour became a thing, they think they're funny now. Randomness gives the boring people of the world a voice. Instead of sitting in their room wondering why no-one is interested in their thoughts on the 2007 recall of millions of Thomas the Tank Engine wooden toys, they take to twitter to type in their biggest letters “PIE FUCKING” at random Z-List celebrities. They do this to rapturous applause from the rest of their boring friends who are suddenly comedy geniuses.
@KerryKatona7 PIE FUCKING.
— Mike Owen (@ThatMikeOwen) May 5, 2015
It's not only twitter though, there are hundreds of websites that just make no sense. Chock full of videos with cats dancing to electro. Everyone has the impetus to make a website. Everyone has the ability. And everyone has the ability to check out a thesaurus and throw random words onto a page. That's how it starts. It isn't that the content isn't to my liking that I dislike. It's that zero effort goes into it.

Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for Foul Entertainment games. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.