I know what you're all thinking; how can you know Donald Trump's policies already? Well here at FoulENT, we are very active when it comes to reading Wikileaks. Well, Frank and Gash read it, I just smoked a few blunts and half listened to those two boring pricks. So I did what makes sense, I wrote an article based on what I can remember from the digging those other two losers did in preparation for the US presidential election.
1. All Women To Be Banned From Washington
2. Serious Voting System Reform
That's right, riggers.
3. The Trump Wars
That's all I can remember for now, it was a really big joint and the other writers were really fucking boring. Especially Frank. It's an unexpected result, one that Frank and Gash certainly seem to be bothered about. All I know is I've got the munchies. Long live President Trump or whatever.
Joe is one of the many writers we have at Foul Entertainment, known for Plenty Of Catfish. He is a main stay on the voice cast for Disagreevances. He's also responsible for the artistic design in our games.