“Guys, we want Aquaman in the Justice League Movie!”
“But Aquaman is still thought of as uber lame!”
“I know! Let’s get an overly manly man to play him!”
“Jason Momoa?”
“That’ll do. And basically make him do Khal Drogo but with more water. We need it to be uncomfortably masculine!”
“But isn’t that nothing like the character that the minority of fans actually enjoy?”
“Todd, I am sick of your shit, if we don’t make this gritty and realistic, literally everyone is fired.”
“Yes, Mr Snyder.”
Yep, it’s got Snyder and Nolan’s grubby realistic fingerprints all over it, once again showing that the current trend of DC movies aren’t content with just washing out the colour pallet, but continuing to suck the fun out of their colourful cast of characters. Which is such a damn shame, because Aquaman is far cooler than anyone gives him credit for. I mean, could it be that bad if Jason Momoa looked more like the comic Aquaman?
In terms of his power base, since the 2011 reboot of the DC Universe, Aquaman is now a nigh-on unstoppable powerhouse. Due to his mixed human-Atlantean heritage (Oh yeah, Atlantis totally exists and Aquaman is a descendant of the royal family. Just go with it.), Aquaman has superhuman durability, meaning his is physically bulletproof. He can, of course, survive underwater and can swim up to speeds of 3000 meters per second, meaning he can swim up Niagara Falls if he wanted to. He can even use friggin’ sonar.
While admittedly the whole costume for this series of films is seriously compensating for this view of Aquaman…
Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room. Since the 2011 reboot, Aquaman’s ‘signature’ power of talking to sea creatures has been brutally retconned. The reason suggested is that marine life doesn't possess enough intelligence to carry a meaningful telepathic communication. Instead, Aquaman can now add compulsions to the thoughts of aquatic life, which compels them to do his bidding, kind of like a deep sea Derren Brown.
Will we see it in the movie? I guess only time will tell, but given that they managed to ‘ground’ The Last Son of Krypton, it will probably end up with this dude just having a pet goldfish he’s really fond of that inevitably sacrifices itself in a convoluted way of showing Aquaman the valeue of life. Or something like that, yadda yadda, Zack Snyder doesn’t think how normal humans do, you know where this diatribe is going.
The Editor in Chief of Foul Entertainment, Mike edits most of what you see on the site. He runs the production of all three of our current podcasts, he is responsible for logo, art design and site design, and does a good deal of writing across the spectrum.