‘Complete asshole. Fat cartoon faced twat who looks like Bill Cosby.’
‘Are you talking about Neil DeGrasse Tyson again?’
‘Thirteen members of the Tyson family have died this year alone. Maybe they have some hereditary illness?’
‘Wrong. They all died of shame.’
‘And then I punched him in his stupid fat head.’
‘Some bloke who had the second most punchable face I’ve ever seen after Neil DeGrasse Tyson.’
‘He must have looked Neil DeGrasse Tyson in the eyes and contracted punchable face syndrome.’
‘Yeah. Punchable face-itus.‘
‘So there we were in this physics or something lecture, when Jenny Brickhouse’s head straight up explodes.’
‘Woah, what happened?’
‘The lecturer screamed at her for interrupting. Then he carried on blabbering shit.’
‘I know exactly who was teaching that class: Neil De-Ass Tyson.’
‘Hilary, we have some news which may shock you.’
‘What is it, Mr Advisor?’
‘September 11th had nothing to do with Osama Bin Lifting. It was all that Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s fault.’
‘That smug son of a bitch!’
‘So they did the autopsy on Jenny Brickhouse. Doctors have now confirmed that overexposure to Neil DeGrasse Tyson can cause stimulation to rapidly decrease in the part of the brain that deals with smug condescending bastards. In short, Neil DeGrasse Tyson is the personification of boredom.’
‘I can’t believe we thought it was a mere case of head explodage.’
‘Did the Devil molest you this morning?’
‘Twice. It almost makes me wish I was up in heaven with Neil DeGrasse Tyson.’
‘Hahahaha! Good one. Almost had me!’
‘Damn! I’ll get you one day!’
Joe is one of the many writers we have at Foul Entertainment, known for Plenty Of Catfish. He is a main stay on the voice cast for Disagreevances. He's also responsible for the artistic design in our games.