Should Drugs be legalised?

I was going to go into a massive, well researched rant as to why drugs should be legalised. I was going to mention how by taxing drugs the government could have a new revenue stream, how by making them legal it would allow drugs to be more closely managed and lead to less deaths and less abuse. I was going to talk about how the new revenue stream could be used to set up a much better support system for addicts, how it would be easier to get clean needles if each hit was sold with a needle. How it would become less of a tool for criminals to manipulate and rip people off. But fuck all of that shit.
The main reason for legalising drugs is because it gives you albums like this. Have you ever heard albums by bands that are clean? It sounds awful. Alice Cooper, Eric Clapton both used to drink like mother fuckers. They stopped drinking and their albums went to shit. If you want a good album you need to be at least a boozehound. If you want to write a classic then you cook that heroin right up and you inject it into the fattest vein you can find on your dick.
My second reason to legalise drugs is so that people can do drugs and not lose their jobs. There are professions out there where if you are found to take drugs you are out on your arse. How is that fucking fair? Brian from accounts can go out, get pissed off his face on cheap Thunderbird and sexually assault a homeless girl in an alley and walk in Monday morning like the messiah, but Ash from sales does a massive bong, orders 32 pizzas and passes out trying to make a massive calzone out of them and gets sacked. I'm aware that isn't the case all across the board, but we live in a society where people can make the choice whether to drink or not, the same should be applied to other drugs. Teachers and nurses could definitely do with being allowed to take massive drugs when not working, they have to deal with the two worst types of people, sick people and kids. If you can't come home after a 67 hour shift and snort a line of coke the size of Ron Jeremy's pan handle then why the fuck do you work so many hours?
Fuck all those goodie goodie pussies who tell you drugs will kill you. Of course drugs will kill you, but you know what else will kill you? Being alive. Dying is mandatory, and if you want to make a rocking album, so is taking drugs. Do people deserve to lose their job if they take drugs? Only if it affects their job, if it doesn't then what harm are they doing? Why is it okay for Ronald McDonald to walk around peddling heart disease to children but this is seen as so much worse. Why doesn't Dave Mirra get talked about in the same way as Charlie Sheen?

They say experience is the harshest teacher because the test comes before the lesson. I can speak with authority on the subject of drug legalization because I have an ex-girlfriend who was a heavy drug user. That is to say; she was heavy, and used drugs. Her drug use was limited to marijuana and ‘pills’, which I believe is the street term for heroin and cocaine mixed with Red Bull, although I could be wrong. Her drug use began moderately and then, over the course of a year, ascended into thrice weekly intake of whatever she could get her hands on. I myself was no stranger to the occasional James Blunt at the time, so I’m not one to be preaching, however there was a clear distinction between recreational use and something more severe.
As I later learnt, I was able to quite able never see weed again (and haven’t since; this was three years ago). To me, it’s like seeing the pyramids. I’ve done it, and it was nice, but seeing them again wouldn’t make me a better person, I would just be re-living an experience. It’s the same with weed. I used it to heighten a euphoric sensation, i.e, when I was happy. When I went to Egypt, I made the holiday better by seeing something I could only see there. If I went back to Egypt, I’d be experiencing the same thing again when I could be seeing somewhere new, or doing something different. I’m not saying try different drugs, that would be foolish, but doing drugs as a hobby only serves to be done in place of another hobby, which is a total waste. Instead of rolling up a fatty and monging out to Pink Floyd, you could be learning a new skill, or contributing to making the world a better place for our children’s children.
Is that a life you want? Is that a life anyone wants? I doubt it. Of course, some people are affected by addiction more than others, so luckily not every drug user will end up giving handjobs behind a garage for cash when they can’t hold down a job. But is it a risk worth taking? I’m not going to preach about the physical health risks, mental health risks, the links between drug supplies and crime and terrorism and all that other shit. No amount of statistics and figures will change someone’s mind if they’ve already made a decision to use drugs on a regular basis. What blows my mind is that people are willing to risk addiction for the sake of an occasional hallucinatory experience. In my opinion, there’s enough amazing things on this planet without to having resort to made-up shit.
I was presented with a surprisingly heavy topic for my first judging duty, make no mistake there. Clearly, this an issue that has riled both Joe and Cunt. However, there was a pretty clear winner.
When we talk about legalising drugs, the prevailing argument is for the legalisation of marijuana. You tend not to get many campaigns for the legalisation of stuff like cocaine, due to it's clear health risks. Personally, I don't think there is a sane argument for legalising more volatile drugs like crystal meth, outside of making Breaking Bad memorabilia.
Don't get me wrong, certainly for drugs which have been scientifically proven to cause no lasting damage, like marijuana, there is a strong case for it's legalisation. But you need only watch Louis Theroux's 'The City Addicted to Crystal Meth' documentary to see how more hardcore substances can destroy lives, as well as be a huge detriment to physical health.
That, and if all we have to gain from legalisation is more stoner rock, count me out.
The winner is...
Against legalisation of drugs
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Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for Foul Entertainment games. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.

Joe is one of the many writers we have at Foul Entertainment, known for Plenty Of Catfish. He is a main stay on the voice cast for Disagreevances. He's also responsible for the artistic design in our games

The Editor in Chief of Foul Entertainment, Mike edits most of what you see on the site. He runs the production of our podcasts, and currently pens Pop Culture Club and The Death of Video Games.