Stack Overflow
My favourite thing about Stack Overflow is when you ask a question and the answer you get is something you already know but you just hadn't thought of it. It's nice sometimes to get a little bit of a positive reinforcement that your knowledge can solve the problems you have.
Camel Casing
String camelCasedString;
The reason it makes me laugh is because it took me about ten minutes to realise why it is called Camel Casing. The little humps in the middle. Those humps are class. They make me thing about camels and camels rule. There are lots of naming conventions for things in coding, I don't know if I do it right but for variables I use Camel Casing, for methods and classes I use Camel Casing but starting with a capital letter.
A Program for you!

the_dice_game.exe |
Anyway, I have been trying various different things to improve my coding and one of the things I found was a trove of about 300 programming exercises, rosetta code if you feel like googling it. On there was one to make a dice game where two players play against each other. The aim is to get to 100, after each roll you have a choice, roll again to keep building your score, or lock in the points. Obviously you would just keep rolling, except if you roll a 1 you lose all of the points not locked in. Get it? Cool here it is for you to play! Enjoy!

Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for the Foul Entertainment Gaming department. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.