Tricking you into liking them
That's not a bad thing though is it really. Except that as Britain First take away the microphone they silently mouth "Oh and blacks and Muslims as well, who hates them too?". They lure people in with their decent causes, to get you to look at their hate speech.
In my eyes that is deception, but it's not the worst part of it. To add to this manipulation of people there is a very famous image they used, that got a large amount of shares ( over 700,000 ) with a link to a PayPal donation page. You know, to "help us end this cruelty". No explanation how they intend to do it, the money goes straight into their main party funds.
Is any of that acceptable for a political party that has an intention of running the country?
Straight up lying
I know all politicians lie, it goes with the territory. But ask yourself, have you seen any as blatant and hate inspiring as that? That should be what you ask yourself when you see these images, if they need to lie so blatantly, then do their views really stand on their own? If you need to make things up to inspire hatred, then is the hatred deserved?
Complete lack of respect for the people they claim to support the most
Those last two images sum up Britain First perfectly. Tugging on people's sense of decency to attempt to garner their support, while ultimately showing absolutely no respect to the people involved.
They are simply idiots of the highest order
With every rise to infamy, it's easier to pick flaws in peoples image and intelligence. Britain First have made their name on being hoisted by their own petards. For starters, in wanting to send some hate toward some unsuspecting Muslims, as any self respecting racist piece of shit might want to do, the group managed to mistake an Irish town hall for a mosque. You'd think that the group would actually educate themselves about their visits or even on the architecture of the people they supposedly oppose. That would be giving these idiots way too much credit than they are worth.
For starters, they visited Calais in order to make a documentary exposing migrants for the benefit spongers they are, but instead ended up making a shitty Gok Wan on tour rip, as their group leaders went around slating migrants haircuts and phone choice. The conclusion of their short film? Anyone who isn't English is a dirty foreigner who rapes churches and burns women or something.
Meanwhile, in Foul ENT's neck of the woods, the local morons crawled out of the woodwork to oppose the building of a mosque by threatening to bury pigs in the ground on the proposed building site. Presumably in the hope that the local Muslims had seen Poltergeist and thought they could achieve the same level of fear by burying pork. In response, Dudley Central Mosque retaliated in the best way possible: offering tea and opening a discussion about their proposed build.
And the scariest thing about these people? They want to represent your in government. No seriously, they think they're actually level-headed enough to hold any seat of power. The first thing on their manifesto? Literally hanging anybody who disagrees with them! Does this remind you of any particular goose-stepping, genocidal sort of people yet?
We rest our case
And then they show up their close minded attitudes with acts that wouldn't be out of place in a Buster Keaton flick. They clearly know they are populated by morons, otherwise they wouldn't pass up lettting Ross Kemp rip them a new one via TV documentary. When the very church they claim to represent calls them 'damaging', you know the kind of psuedo fascist scum Britain First are.
If you know what they are like and still like them, there is no doubt that you're as much of a cunt as they are.

Email The Cunt
A hidden face of the crew, The Cunt is main coder for Foul Entertainment games. He is currently documenting the progress of our game, Foul Fantasy, in his dev blogs.

By Mike Owen
The Editor in Chief of Foul Entertainment, Mike edits most of what you see on the site. He runs the production of our podcasts, and currently pens Pop Culture Club and The Death of Video Games