- Being a first party Nintendo mascot/characer (3 points)
- Being a second party developed Nintendo mascot/character (2 points)
- Being from a third party developer that favours Nintendo as a platform (1 point)
- Having a game available on a previous Nintendo console (1 point)
- Having a game available on the Nintendo Switch (2 Points)
- Have an Amiibo available or come from a franchise with Amiibo available (2 points)
- Being a 'Sakurai-esque' choice for a suitable surprise reveal (1 point)
- Promoting a new or upcoming Nintendo Switch game, feature or prehipheral (3 points)
- Serious fan demand (1 point)
- Appeared in a previous Smash game as an assist, a trophy or a costume(2 points)
- Was at some point considered for Smash and confirmed so by Sakurai (1 point)
- Could feasibly be made into an offensive fighter (2 points)
Note: I'm not counting the already announced Inklings, Mario from Odyssey or Link from Breath of the Wild, nor am I counting any character that's previously appeared even if they could feasibly be reworked (Zelda, Bowser, etc.). I'm also going to rule out characters that have been axed and could return, like the Ice Climbers and Wolf. As a rule, new characters only.
How?: Impa has featured in more Zelda games than Ganondorf. Yeah. So it begs the question: Why hasn't she already been featured in Smash? Althogh she isn't often seen as a warrior, especially not in her latest appearance in Breath of The Wild, she has had some great designs over the years, in both first and second party developed titles. You could easily implement a mixture of her Ocarina Of Time, Skyward Sword and Hyrule Warriors designs, give her a selection of Sheikah weaponry (Maybe some Slate abilities from BOTW) the Giant's Knife or a naginata like in Warriors and you've got a variety of close and long range attacks for a brawler type character.
Liklihood?: 12 points. Very likely.
King K. Rool
How?: It's a Bowser clone. This is ridiculously easy to implement. Alright, let's think bigger: K. Rool would finally give us another villain to play as, as well as bumping up the DK games mascots to 3 (Seriously), AS WELL as giving us another heavy character that can tank damage and hit hard but slow. You've got a bunch of inspiration for his attacks as well, from a bevy of final boss fights across the DK games; I'm talking a pirate blunderbuss, a wrestling final smash and a crown boomerang at the very least. This character writes himself!
Liklihood?: 12 points. Very likely.
How?: Yes we need more villains, why did you ask? Waluigi has done the full 360 degrees in terms of being requested. Initially a joke character, the core Nintendo audience has since come to love him somewhat unironically, and his reveal would surely go down as a killer moment for Smash Switch. In terms of movesets, you load him up with a bunch of sports related attacks from Mario Tennis, Strikers and Golf, give him access to his patented digger from Mario Kart and (potentially) arm him with a meme related attack or final smash and you've got a new fan favourite.
Liklihood?: 15 points. Extremely likely
Spring Man/Ribbon Girl
How?: It's a ranged boxing character from a new game that's a Switch exclusive. This is an ultimate no-brainer. Moveset is simple enough: he protecc, he attacc, but most of all he box you to the mat. Final smash is a flurry rush. Again, it's too easy. Yes, it could be similar to Little Mac, but that's even if Little Mac makes it into Smash Switch. if he doesn't, I'd expect the ARMS characters to fill that void. With the extra costumes, you could add Ribbon Girl, or even other fan favourites like Min-Min or Twintelle. However, the box characters are far more likely. Oh, and you'd definitley get Max Brass as a DLC clone.
Liklihood?: 10 Points. Likely.
Shovel Knight
How?: Given that this indie hit has had quite the life on Nintendo consoles, it's an easy fit here for Smash. Honestly, I have no idea how this guy didn't win the Smash Ballot for Smash for Wii U and 3DS, but now we can rectify that. A lot of people are touting Steve from Minecraft for the indie pick for Smash, but this pick makes so, so much more sense. An offensive and floaty quick fighter, with bouncing attacks, assists from Plague and Spectre Knights and a final smash where he teams up with his bae Shield Knight and you've got a satisfying indie mascot character that can go toe-to-toe with Ninty's finest.
Liklihood?: 10 Points. Likely.
Rex and Pyra
How?: The Xenoblade Chronicles series is somewhat under-represented in Smash, with Shulk being the only representative. 3 games deep, its likely that the newest poster kids are up for Smash selection. Now that we have the hardware capable of having dual characters again, this duo would be a great fit. Pyra is herself the weapon that would aid Rex in battle, and with her many elemental abilities and her transformation from later in Xenoblade 2, there are a bevy of different skills that could be assigned to the stock Smash commands. Plus, it gives light to a popular second party Ninty title and a Switch game you could sell off the back of it.
Liklihood?: 7 points. Marginally likely (According to my point system anyway, but I will eat my hat if they aren't included)
Labo Man
How?: Hear me out, now. Nintendo Labo is the newest gimmick product from the House of Mario and you can bet your sweet ass they are going market and push the ever loving shit out of this thing. And what's the best way to do that? Have a mascot for the damn thing in the mascot fighting game we'll all be playing for at least the next 5 years. Redditor JavedLSterritt created this gif that showcases just how a Labo Man moveset could work, using the JoyCon as a melee weapon and utilising the various Labo combinations as defensive and offensive capabilities. Roll this in with a Labo Robot final smash or even Labo support for the game and you have a great way to ingrain this new product in players memories.
Liklihood?: 9 points. Somewhat likely.
How?: Solaire is the closest thing that Dark Souls has to a mascot, beloved by his community and popularising the 'Praise The Sun' meme. Most recently, the Dark Souls Remastered was announced as coming to the Switch, along with a Solaire amiibo. Couple this with a healthy relationship between Nintendo and Namco/Bandai and the stars, or indeed suns, are aligned to have this friendly crusader make a guest appearance in Smash. Moveset would be mostly sword combat, with healthy amounts of rolling and, of course, a Praise The Sun final smash.
Liklihood?: 9 points. Somewhat likely.
How?: The Mysterious Murasame Castle is a game that nobody outside of Japan has played and Takamaru is a character that anybody only knows if they had played the game in Japan during the 80's... OR, they learnt about him though his appearance as an assist on Smash 3DS/WiiU. Sakurai has been vocal about wanting to implement Takamaru in previous Smash games and got pretty close with his assist appearance, so surely the want to have this retro swordsman is there. His moveset would have to be jazzed up a bit, but it's certainly not a farfetched idea.
Liklihood?: 10 points. Likely.
Rayman & Rabbids
How?: Initially, I did think Crash Bandicoot was a shoe-in to be the next 3rd party mascot to join Smash, but after the successful Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, I'm pegging Ubisoft's golden boy (and maybe his yelling bastard friends) to take the stage. Rayman has had a number of games showcasing his versatility as a platformer and a fighter, including a number of power-ups, forms, costumes and allies who could contribute to a fun, flighty and varied moveset. And in the very least, the Rabbids will be featured as an assist or as part of Raymans moveset animations.
Liklihood?: 11 points. Pretty likely.
And those are our picks! Obviously there are a bevy of characters to justify being in Smash, so sound off in the comments about your picks. Just remember that Goku and Shrek are stupid ideas and you're an idiot for wanting them.