Tony Blair today advocated a second referendum on leaving the EU to a packed Dog and Guns pub in West Bromwich. "Friends" a visibly inebriated Blair started "I know what you are thinking, the voting is over now, we never need to wear a shirt again, but let me ask you this, is it worth it? We need to vote again, and we need to vote remain, because while you may well manage to get rid of the Poles and Romanians, petrol is going to be £1.40 a fucking litre, and that just isn't on!"
Blair's outburst stirred anger in the pub, and when we went outside for a smoke a man who identified himself as Mikey Plums told us "I had no idea that getting rid of the foreigners was going to cost me more money. They've not even gone yet either, I went to Lidl earlier and they were still selling Polish sausage! It's going to fuck us all over you know. Petrol is just the start of it as well I think, like earlier I went to get some Euros for when I go to Magaluf in a month and I got 5 of them for 300 quid! Fortunately I don't drink much there, I just do a load of coke and I smuggle that over there with me. Up my arse!"