A Premier League footballer today showed a complete lack of self awareness previously only achieved by Donald Trump after he was caught on camera complaining to a homeless man that he had "only" had his wages increased by £25,000 this season. Speaking to The Guardian homeless man Harold Ramp said "I don't know what to say really, taking into consideration the life athletes live I suppose £25,000 isn't that much of an increase to your monthly pay packet if it is spread out over a year is it? A week? £25,000 a week? Are you taking the fucking piss? I ate potato peelings from round the back of Fanny's Batter in Torquay last week and he earns enough for a £25,000 increase to be a slap in the face? He didn't even give me 20p for a coffee!"
Footballer Wayne Kerr told Talksport "I don't know what you are on about. I don't talk to homeless people. I was talking to a City fan the other day, but I don't remember what he said because he stunk and obviously I didn't let him talk because he isn't good at sport like me so he shouldn't be allowed to talk"
Supposed footballer and political commentator Karl Henry took to Twitter to give his unwanted opinion on the matter "Why should Wayne talk to scruffs? He's worked smart just like me. Richer than all you cunts who don't work hard" the bang average, up his own arse prick tweeted.
Supposed footballer and political commentator Karl Henry took to Twitter to give his unwanted opinion on the matter "Why should Wayne talk to scruffs? He's worked smart just like me. Richer than all you cunts who don't work hard" the bang average, up his own arse prick tweeted.