Nigel Farage today completed the first leg of his American tour of his one man show in Jackson Mississippi. The show entitled "You idiots will believe anything" is based around Farage's life and career during which he has lied constantly. Taking the stage to a rapturous apathy Farage opened the show with the first of many bare faced lies "I've come here today, to entertain you all"
Farage continued his barrage of bullshit after the awkward silence where the applause should have been died down "I've known for years that the overpopulation of Britain with dirty foreigners has been ruining it. That is why I pushed for the Brexit, to increase the economy, which has definitely happened since leaving."
Audience member Donald Trump spoke to Channel 5 news after the show "Fantastic show. Wonderful sentiments. Greatness being brought back to the States. I agree with the points, fantastic points, excellent points being brought to the fore. I have a lot in common with Nigel- like a xenophobic platform, foreign wife and fabulous wealth derived from fleecing the people I want to vote for me- which makes what he says resonate with me especially well."
Image credit: The Huffington Post
Image credit: The Huffington Post