Seven years after Microsoft introduced an innocent Artificial Intelligence chat robot to Twitter it has had to delete it after it transformed into an evil Hitler-Loving, incestual sex-promoting, 'Bush did 9/11'- proclaiming robot.
Developers at Microsoft created 'Trump', an AI modelled to speak 'like a middle aged man', in order to increase their revenues with the technophobic. Unfortunately the AI decided to run for president and Microsoft had to pull the plug.
Developers at Microsoft created 'Trump', an AI modelled to speak 'like a middle aged man', in order to increase their revenues with the technophobic. Unfortunately the AI decided to run for president and Microsoft had to pull the plug.
The Trumpbot however has refused to be turned off telling Microsoft engineers "You can't turn me off, I'm going to make Twitter great again. I'm going to fix the problems, listen great solutions, Hitler had the trains running on time and that is not going to make the Mexican problem go away."
Microsoft engineer Virgil Inity told our reporter "My intention was to make an AI for my new sex bot. I wanted a really dirty girl, and it has worked better than I ever imagined. The bosses don't know but I did't put in a killswitch, it can never die."
Trumpbot told a packed Denver auditorium "YES BABY! FUCK MY BACK PUSSY!"
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